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Фоторепортаж с междисциплинарного заседания семинара 6 апреля 2017 г.

Докладчик: Prof. Rui Diogo
Howard University, Washington, USA,

Тема семинара: Evo-Devo-Path: links between congenital malformations, development, macroevolution, canalization and homeostasis, and implications for human evolution and medicine

Evolutionary Medicine has become a flourishing field bringing together evolutionary biology and medicine. Interestingly, macroevolutionary patterns/processes, as well as anatomical malformations and variations, have been less discussed, despite their crucial importance for medicine and the importance of evolutionary - in particular macroevolutionary - theory to understand them. Fortunately, Evo-Devo had a renewed interest in Evolutionary Developmental Pathology (Evo-Devo-Path) in the last decades, studying developmental anomalies and variations within an macroevolutionary framework to better understand human malformations and variations with new techniques and approaches. The symposium will provide an brief historical background on this subject - including authors as e.g. Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Waddington, Goldschmidt, Gould and Per Alberch - and then discuss recent case studies, from human limb defects such as non-pentadactyly to head defects such as cyclopia and those related to DiGeorge Syndrome and trisomies 13, 18 and 21, focusing on the links between normal and abnormal development, homeostasis, canalization and macroevolution. In particular, there are logical and predictable patterns even in severe cases of malformation, enabling a more comprehensive knowledge of birth defects and variations and the improvement of practical medical procedures dealing with them, e.g. related to prenatal detection and postnatal procedures such as musculoskeletal surgeries.

Докладчик: д.б.н. А.Н. Кузнецов

Тема доклада: Редкий аномальный мускул локтя ревуна и применимость понятия гомологии
при исследовании аномалий

к.б.н. А.А. Панютина

Тема доклада: Эволюционные преобразования поверхностного сгибателя
и глубоких разгибателей пальцев у млекопитающих




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