Русская версия
Ivan V. Kuzmin
Кузьмин Иван Владимирович
Born in Omsk, Russia, on February 20, 1965.
Graduated from Omsk State Medical Institute, Internal Medicine Facculty
Affiliation: 1990-2002: Omsk Scientific-Research Institute for Naturally-Focused
infections; 2002-2012: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
since 2012 Aravan LLC biomedical and consulting company.
Current address: 849 Bradford Ct. SW, Lilburn, GA, USA.
E-mail: aravan@rhabdovir.com
PhD ("Candidate of Biological Sciences")
in veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, micology and
immunology. The PhD thesis "Role of bats in circulation of lyssaviruses
and selected arboviruses in the territory of the former Soviet Union"
had been defensed in 1997.
Scientific interests include infectious diseases
(particularly rabies) associated with bats: epidemiology, virus-host
adaptation, pathobiology, sistematics and taxonomy of the viruses,
as well as control and prevention of the diseases in humans and
Major publication related to bats:
- Botvinkin A.D., Kuzmin I.V., Chernov S.M. (1992). Experimental
infection of bats with lyssaviruses serotypes 1 and 4.
Voprosy Virusologii, 4: 215-218 [in Russian].
- Kuzmin I.V., Botvinkin A.D., Rybin S.N., Bayaliev A.B. (1992).
A lyssavirus with an anusual antigenyc patterns isolated from
a bat in southern Kyrghyzstan. Voprosy Virusologii, 5-6:
256-259 [in Russian].
- Kuzmin I.V., Botvinkin A.D., Shaimardanov R.T. (1994).
Experimental lyssavirus infection of bats. Voprosy Virusologii,
1: 17-21 [in Russian].
- Kuzmin I.V., Botvinkin A.D. (1996) The behaviour of bats
Pipistrellus pipistrellus after experimental inoculation
with rabies and rabies-like viruses, and some aspects of pathogenesis.
Myotis, 34: 93 -99.
- Arai Y.T., Kuzmin I.V., Kameoka Y., Botvinkin A.D. (2003)
New lyssavirus genotype from the Lesser mouse-eared bat (Myotis
blythi), Kyrghyzstan. Emerging Inf. Dis., 9(3): 333-337.
- Kuzmin I.V., Orciari L.A., Arai Y.T., Smith J.S., Hanlon
C.A., Kameoka Y., Rupprecht C.E. (2003) Bat lyssaviruses (Aravan
and Khujand) from Central Asia: phylogenetic relationships according
to N, P and G gene sequences. Virus Research, 97: 65-79.
- Shankar V., Orciari L.A., De Mattos C., Kuzmin I.V., Pape
W. J., O'shea T. J., Rupprecht C.E. (2005) Genetic divergence
of rabies viruses from bat species of Colorado, USA. Vector-Borne
and Zoonotic Diseases, 5(4): 330-341.
- Kuzmin I.V., Hughes G.J., Botvinkin A.D., Orciari L.A., Rupprecht
C.E. (2005) Phylogenetic relationships of Irkut and West Caucasian
bat viruses within the Lyssavirus genus and suggested quantitative
criteria based on the N gene sequence for lyssavirus genotype
definition. Virus Research, 111(1): 28-43.
- Hughes G.J., Kuzmin I.V., Schmitz A., Blanton J., Manangan
J., Murphy S., Rupprecht C. E. (2006). Experimental infection
of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with Eurasian bat
lyssaviruses Aravan, Khujand and Irkut virus. Arch. Virol.,
10: 2021-2035.
- Kuzmin I.V., Botvinkin A.D., Poleschuk E.M., Orciari L.A.,
Rupprecht C.E. (2006). Bat rabies surveillance in the former
Soviet Union. Develop Biol. (Basel), 125: 273-282.
- Franka R., Constantine D.G., Kuzmin I., Velasco-Villa A.,
Reeder S., Wong A., Rupprecht C.E. (2006). New phylogenetic
lineage of rabies virus associated with the Western pipistrelle
bat (Pipistrellus hesperus). J. Gen. Virol., 87:
- Kuzmin I.V., Niezgoda M., Carroll D.S., Keeler N., Hossain
M.J., Breiman R.F., Ksiazek T.G., Rupprecht C.E. (2006). Lyssavirus
surveillance in bats, Bangladesh. Emerging Infect. Dis.,
12 (3): 486-488.
- Kuzmin I.V., Rupprecht C.E. (2007) Bat rabies.
In: Rabies (Jackson A.C., Wunner W., eds). Academic Press (Elsevier),
pp. 259-308.
- Kuzmin I.V., Niezgoda M., Franka R., Agwanda B., Markotter
W., Beagley J.C., Urazova O.Y., Breiman R.F., Rupprecht C.E. (2008).
Possible emergence of West Caucasian bat virus in Africa.
Emerging Infect. Dis., 14(12): 1887-1889.
- Kuzmin I.V., Niezgoda M., Franka, R., Agwanda B., Markotter
W., Beagley J.C., Urazova O.Y., Breiman R.F., Rupprecht C.E. (2008).
Lagos bat virus in Kenya. J. Clin. Microbiol., 46(4): 1451-1461.
- Markotter W., Kuzmin I., Rupprecht C.E., Nel L.H. (2008).
Phylogeny of Lagos bat virus: challenges for lyssavirus taxonomy.
Virus Research, 135(1): 10-21.
- Kuzmin I.V., Franka R., Rupprecht C.E. (2008). Experimental
infection of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with West
Caucasian bat virus (WCBV). Develop Biol. (Basel), 131:
- Markotter W., Van Eeden C., Kuzmin I.V., Rupprecht C.E.,
Paweska J.T., Swanepoel R., Fooks A.R., Sabeta C.T., Cliquet F.,
Nel L.H. (2008). Epidemiology and pathogenicity of African
bat lyssaviruses. Develop Biol. (Basel), 131: 317-325.
- Kuzmin I.V., B. Bozick, S.A. Guagliardo, R. Kunkel, J. R.
Shak, S. Tong & C. E. Rupprecht. (2011). Bats,
emerging infectious diseases, and the rabies paradigm revisited.
Emergency Health Threats Journal, 4: 7159 - DOI: 10.3402/ehtj.v4i0.7159
- Kuzmin I.V., Shi M, Orciari L.A., Yager P.A., Velasco-Villa
A., et al. (2012) Molecular inferences suggest multiple host
shifts of rabies viruses from bats to mesocarnivores in Arizona
during 2001–2009. PLoS Pathog 8(6): e1002786 - doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002786