Русская версия

Aleksandra A. Panyutina
Панютина Александра Андреевна

Born in Moscow on March, 17, 1984
Education: Moscow State University (MSU), Biological faculty, 2002-2007.

PhD thesis: "Morphofunctional background of flight origin in mammals", MSU, defended in 2010.

Key words: mammalian flight, arboreal locomotion, functional anatomy, bats, gliders, locomotion biomechanics
Research interests: functional anatomy, transformation of locomotor apparatus of tetrapods in the process of adaptation to new habitats, origin and evolution of aerial locomotion in mammals.

Currently is living in Israel and wortking in Tel Aviv University, Faculy of Life Scienses.


Number of publications (excepting abstracts of conferences) - about 30.
List of publications:

Valuable publications concerning bats:
Panyutina A. A., Puzachenko A. Yu., Soldatova I. B. 2011. Morphological Diversity of Wing Structure in Rhinolophoid Bats (Chiroptera, Rhinolophoidea) // Biology Bulletin, Vol. 38, № 7, P.679 – 694.
Panyutina A. A., Kuznetsov A. N, Korzun L.P. 2013. Kinematics of chiropteran shoulder girdle in flight // The Anatomical record, Vol. 296, No. 3, P.382–394.
Panyutina A.A., Korzun L.P., Kuznetsov A.N. 2015. Flight of Mammals: From Terrestrial Limbs to Wings. Springer, 332 p.
Panyutina A.A. 2018. Gliding and flapping flight: an alternative or continuity? // Zoologichesky Zhurnal, Vol. 97, No. 8, P. 1028-1040.


Last update 25.12.2024