Русская версия
Suren V. Gazaryan
Газарян Сурен Владимирович |
Born in Krasnodar in 1974
Graduated from: Kuban State University (Krasnodar), Faculty of Biology,
Dept. of Hydrobiology
Current employment: Senior research associate of the Laboratory
of Biodiversity, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories, Kabardino-Balkarian
Scientific Centre of RAS (Nalchik)
E-mail: s-gazaryan@yandex.ru
PhD courses: Severtsov Institute of Ecology and
Evolution (Moscow).
PhD thesis "Ecological and Faunal Analysis of the Chiroptera population
of the Western Caucasus", defended in May, 2002; supervisor
E. I. Kozhurina
Research activity mainly concentrate on clarification of the distributional
and faunal status of the bat species in differ parts of the Caucasus
and adjacent areas. Other interests are focused on the taxonomic
problems related with Chiroptera species inhabiting the Caucasus
and Mediterranean region on the whole. Conservation activities are
devoted to the protection of bats and their natural habitats through
the public education and organization of new Protected Areas. To
the moment, S. Gazaryan has real-ized two successful conservation
projects. As a result of the project "Monitoring studies of bat
colony in Canyon cave: developing measures of protection" an underground
roost of world larg-est winter aggregation of Barbastella barbastellus
was established as a Nature Monument. The project "Status and conservation
of Barbastella barbastellus and Myotis bechsteinii
in Russian Federation" resulted in decision about entering of both
species in the next edition of the Russian Red Data Book.
Currently Suren is living in Germany, still acting in the field
of bat protection and working in the Eurobats secretariat.
Number of publications (excepting
abstracts of conferences) - about 30
Major publications:
- Gazaryan S.V. 1999. New data on the occurrence of Schreiber's
bats (Miniopterus schreibersii) in caves of the Western
Caucasus. Plecotus et al. 2: 88-93 [in Russian with English
- Gazaryan S.V. 2000. New data on the occurrence of the
barbastelle in the Western Caucasus. Plecotus et al. 3:
94-102 [in Russian with English summary]
- Gazaryan S.V. 2003. Current faunal status of the Daubenton's
bat Myotis daubentonii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in
the Caucasus. Plecotus et al. 6: 37-48. [in Russian with
English summary]
- Gazaryan S.V. 2003. Barbastelle, Barbastella barbastellus,
in the Western Caucasus. Nyctalus (N.F), Berlin, Heft 6:
- Gazaryan S.V. 2003. On the status of Barbastella barbastellus
(Schreber, 1774) in the Caucasus. Studia Chiropterologica,
3-4: 11-20.
- Botvinkin, A. D., E. M. Poleschuk, I. V. Kuzmin, T. I. Borisova,
S. V. Gazaryan, P. Yager, C. E. Rupprecht. 2003. Novel Lyssaviruses
Isolated from Bats in Russia. Emerging In-fectious Diseases,
9(12): 1623-1625.
- Kazakov B.A., Gazaryan S.V., Bakhtadze G.B. 2004. [Order
Chiroptera]. in: Red Data Book of the Rostov Region. Vol.1.
Rare and Threatened animals. Rostov-on-Don: 300-304. [in Russian]
- Benda P., Gazaryan S., Vallo P. 2016. On the distribution
and taxonomy of bats of the Myotis mystacinus morphogroup
from the Caucasus region (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae).
Turkish Journal of Zology, 40: 1-8.
