NAME : Myotis ikonnikovi Ognev, 1912
COMMON NAME: Ikonnikov's bat
SIZE: Body mass 2.7-6.5 g, head and body length ca. 37-43 mm, tail
length ca. 30-42 mm, forearm length 30-33 mm, wingspan ca. 18-20
DESCRIPTION: Ear relatively short, nerrowing to the tip, with small
notch on the posterior edge. Facial mask covered with dark hair.
Foot mesuared with claws shorter than half of tibia. Wing membrane
attaching to the base of the outer toe. Calcar lobe poorly developed
but usually present. Fur dense and relatively long. Hairs with black
bases; dorsal coloration dark-brown with goldish sheen, ventral
coloration whitish-buff. Upper large premolar without additional
cusp on the antero-lingual edge; upper molars without paraconules.
DESTRIBUTION: From E. Kazakhstan and Altai Mnts. to Mongolia, Manchuria,
Sakhalin, Korea and Japan.
NATURAL HISTORY: Inhabits various types of forests. Roosts in rock
crevices, slit-lile shelters in hollow trees and wooden buildings.
Emerges for foraging in late dusk. Forages not high form the ground,
along forest edges, small rivers and clearings. Diet consists of
small flying insects. Flight maheuverable, not fast. Settled species,
hibernating in various underground habitats. Biology poorly known.
STATUS: Rarely recorded, but widely distributed species, common
in some places. IUCN: «LR: lc».