Some results of telemetry observations of European elk (Alces alces) (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) movements in the southern taiga subzone in Northwest Russia Sedikhin N.V., Minaev A.N. P. 162-177 The paper presents the results of telemetry observations of movements of individuals of the European elk Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758) received in the period from 2021 to 2023. Two males were released into the wild after accidentally entering anthropogenic sites in St. Petersburg. Additionally, one female was released into the wild after a prolonged (about two years) existence in captivity. The individuals were equipped with collars containing GPS/GSM transmitters. The calculated values of the individuals’ movements for one hour, as well as the values of the diurnal path and diurnal displacement, are presented. In 75% of the cases, the observed individuals did not move more than 200 m per hour. The highest median values of the diurnal path and diurnal displacement for the adult male were observed in June (4369 m/1649 m), and the lowest in February (677 m/195 m). For other individuals, due to the short term of monitoring, values were calculated for the entire observation period and were 2015 m and 619 m for the adult female, respectively, and 4297 m and 1431 m for the yearling male. Movements of the adult male indicate seasonal sedentariness and consistent habitat use in summer. We identified 5 spatially distinct habitat periods associated with the seasonal behaviour of the individuals: the readaptation area after release into the natural environment, summer habitat areas, autumn-winter traveling area, winter habitat area and spring migration. Further, we estimated individual home ranges using different methods: the minimum convex polygon, kernel density estimation, local convex hull and concave polygon alpha shape. Minimum convex polygon home range sizes (100% locations) were: for the adult male — 66692 ha in 22 months; for the adult female elk — 33178 ha in one month; for the yearling male — 6978 ha in 3.5 weeks. A brief literature review summarises previously published similar measurements made in Russia, Scandinavia, Canada and the USA. A comparison of the calculated values with the literature shows territorial and sex-age differences in the aspect of elk movement in space, as well as methodological differences in the assessment of habitat characteristics.
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