Русская версия
Anton S. Vlaschenko
Влащенко Антон Сергеевич |
Born in Kharkov on September, 10, 1981
Graduated from: Biological faculty of Kharkov National University
in 2003.
Current employment: National nature park "Gomolshanskie lessy",
Biological Research Institute of Kharkov National University (research
Address: P/O Box 2385, Kharkov, 61001, UKRAINE
E-mail: vlaschenko@yandex.ru
PhD courses: Severtsov Institute of Ecology and
Evolution (Moscow).
PhD thesis ("Biogeocenological role of bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera)
on the south part of forest-steppe zone") were defended in
2007 in Dnepropetrovsk.
Scientific interests - bat ecology mainly species distribution,
population structure, monitoring of bat populations on the nature
protected areas, characteristic of bat ecology in cities, and recently
radioecology of bats.
Number of publications (excepting
abstracts of conferences) - about 40
Major publications:
- Vlaschenko A.S. 1999. Record of hibernated Nyctalus
noctula in Kharkov.
Vestnik zoologii, 33 (4-5): 76. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A.S. 2002. Founds of bats in the Kharkov National
University's building.
Vestnik Khar'kovskogo universiteta, 551, part.2:
212-216. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A., Naglov A. 2005. A Marl Open Pit as a Unique
Place of Bats (Chiroptera) Inhabiting.
Vestnik zoologii, 39(2): 94.
- Vlaschenko A.S. 2005. Roost sites of Noctula bat (Nyctalus
noctula Schreber, 1774) on the territory of Gomolsha forest.
Journal of V.N. Karazin's National University. Series:
biology, 709(1-2): 122-133. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A.S. 2005. Current status and dynamics of
bat population (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) of the National
Park "Gomolshanskye Lessa".
Plecotus et al., 8: 8-16. (in Russian)
- Vlaschenko A.S., Naglov A.V. 2006. Bats hibernation (Chiroptera,
Vespertilionidae) in artificial caves of Northeastern Ukraine.
Journal of V.N. Karazin's National University. Series:
biology, 729(3): 168-175. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A.S. 2008. Sex ratio in four bat species in
north-eastern Ukraine.
Journal of V.N. Karazin's National University. Series:
biology, 814(7): 65-73. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A.S., Gukasova A.S. 2009. Development of method
for the inventory of species composition and population structure
of Chiroptera.
Nature reserves in Ukraine, 15(1): 49-57. [in Russian]
- Gashchak S. P., Vlaschenko A. S., Naglov A. V. 2009.
Study results of bats fauna and its radioactive contamination
in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 2007-2009.
Problems of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, 9: 102-124.
[in Ukrainian]
- Vlaschenko A. 2009. Current status of Leisler's bat (Chiroptera)
on the territory of Kharkov region.
Visnyk of Lviv University, Biology series, 51: 145-156.
[in Ukrainian]
- Gashchak S.P., Beresford N.A., Maksimenko A., Vlaschenko
A.S. 2010. Strontium-90 and caesium-137 activity concentrations
in bats in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 49(4): 635-644.
- Gukasova A., A. Vlaschenko, G. Kosenkov, K. Kravchenko. 2011.
Fauna and structure of bat (Chiroptera) assemblage of the National
Park 'Smolensk Lakeland', western Russia.
Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 21 (2):173-180.
- Gukasova, A., A. Vlaschenko. 2011. Effectiveness of mist-netting
of bats (Chiroptera, Mammalia) during the non-hibernation period
in oak forests of Eastern Ukraine.
Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 54 A (1-2):77-93.

- Vlaschenko A. S. 2011. Research history and list
of records of bats (Chiroptera) in the Kharkov Region in the XIX
and XX centuries. Plecotus et al., 14: 26-54. [in Russian]
- Vlaschenko A.S. 2012. Results of bat (Chiroptera) ringing
on the territory of Kharkov Region (2002–2012). Proceedings
of the National Museum of Natural History, 10: 31-41. [in Russian
with English summary]
- Kravchenko K., A. Vlaschenko, A. Prylutska, O. Rodenko, V. Hukov, V. Shuvaev. 2017. Year-round monitoring of bat records in an urban area:
Kharkiv (NE Ukraine), 2013, as a case study.
Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41: 530-548.
