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Geographic distribution and ecological niche divergence of the Palaearctic petrophilous pikas (Ochotona, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) of the subgenus Pika
Lissovsky A.A., Shakula G.V., Obolenskaya E.V.
P. 114-125
The comparison of species distribution models and hyperspaces of ecological predictors was carried out in four species of petrophilous pikas of the subgenus Pika: Ochotona alpina, O. turuchanensis, O. hyperborea and O. mantchurica. All tests show significant differences between species, indicating good niche divergence. One of the species, O. hyperborea, lives in sympatry with two other species: O. alpina and O. turuchanensis; this is most likely due to different ecological preferences. The important role of geographical barriers in realising the potential distribution of these four species is demonstrated. The occurrence of O. hyperborea in China is reported for the first time.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.23.2.02


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