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Table of Contents: Volume 23 (2) 2024 (published 26 November 2024)

Surveys of bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in the Tay Con Linh Mountains, Vietnam
Kruskop S.V., Yuzefovich A.P., Dang C.H., Zhukova S.S., Hoang T.T., Vuong T.T., Fukui D., Motokawa M., Bui H.T., Nguyen T.S.
P. 99-113
The article summarizes the results of two surveys of the bat fauna of the Tay Con Linh mountain range in northern Vietnam (Ha Giang Province) on the border with China. Previously published data on these mountains showed the presence of a rich and unique fauna of rodents and, especially, insectivores, but information about chiropterans for this territory has so far been fragmentary. Surveys carried out in March 2017 and April 2023 at altitudes ranging from 570 to 2300 m asl identified at least 30 bat species from four families. Some of the species found are known in Indochina from isolated records and were first discovered in Ha Giang Province. The bat fauna of Tay Con Linh includes both widespread, ecologically flexible species (e.g., Cynopterus sphinx, Rhinolophus affinis), as well as species of the Indo-Himalayan fauna that penetrate into the territory of Vietnam along mountain ranges (e.g., Mirostrellus joffrei), species which distribution patterns are not clear due to extremely fragmented ranges (e.g., Rhinolophus siamensis, Hipposideros khaokhouayensis, Arielulus cf. circumdatus), and at least one Palearctic species (Myotis altarium). At the same time, due to the absence of karstic caves on the massif, there are no species obligately associated with karst, and petrophilic species are generally few in number. Most of widespread species are confined to low and medium elevations. On the contrary, a number of species (Harpiola isodon, Murina chrysochaetes, M. huttoni, Myotis altarium, Arielulus cf. circumdatus, Mirostrellus joffrei) were found only at altitudes of 1700 m asl and higher. It is noteworthy that these species are also known from the more western provinces of northern Vietnam, which suggests that the Red River (Hong Ha) valley does not play any significant role as an isolating barrier for bats.

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Geographic distribution and ecological niche divergence of the Palaearctic petrophilous pikas (Ochotona, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) of the subgenus Pika
Lissovsky A.A., Shakula G.V., Obolenskaya E.V.
P. 114-125
The comparison of species distribution models and hyperspaces of ecological predictors was carried out in four species of petrophilous pikas of the subgenus Pika: Ochotona alpina, O. turuchanensis, O. hyperborea and O. mantchurica. All tests show significant differences between species, indicating good niche divergence. One of the species, O. hyperborea, lives in sympatry with two other species: O. alpina and O. turuchanensis; this is most likely due to different ecological preferences. The important role of geographical barriers in realising the potential distribution of these four species is demonstrated. The occurrence of O. hyperborea in China is reported for the first time.

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Estimation of absolute abundance in small mammals. Let a line has an area
Shchipanov N.A., Kalinin A.A.
P. 126-141
Small mammals play an important role in ecosystems. Changes in their numbers make it possible to monitor environmental changes, and robust estimates of population density is crucial. Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) on grid, an established method for estimating small mammal population density, is costly and labor-intensive. The cost of the survey can be reduced by reducing observation time, as well as by increasing sample size by arranging traps in a line. Using our 9-yers data obtained on grid we test whether relative abundance indices calculated over shorter time periods correctly reflect population density. We also propose a method for calculating population density using data obtained by CMR on lines (since the grid can be viewed as a series of independent lines) by estimating the spatial activity of animals. It was found that all the indexes calculated for grid and lines were in good agreement with population density on greed, and the scale of both interspecies and inter-annual differences in indexes and density was similar. Although indexes significantly correlated with population density since 3rd day, reliability of the indexes increased over the time of observations (R2 > 0.79 since 7th day). The population density calculated from the lines using the proposed method was in good agreement with the actual density recorded on the grid (R2 > 0.9). We could recommend using the indexes to estimate inter-annual changes in population abundance and community structure at the same area under invariant trapping protocol with invariant time of the trapping sessions. Density calculated on lines requires long-term study, but it is a universal estimate, and could be used when rough assessment of absolute abundance is needed.

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Small mammal fauna of Istykskaya Cave (Eastern Pamir, Tajikistan)
Serdyuk N.V., Sayfulloev N., Shnaider S.V.
P. 142-154
The paper describes the fossil fauna of small mammal from Istykskaya Cave, a high-mountain archaeological site from the Eastern Pamir. The total amount of material is insignificant, but it is unique. The fauna includes pikas, hares, dwarf gray hamsters, mountain and Pamir voles, and marmots. The fauna of the Istykskaya Cave is similar to faunas of other cave sites in Central Asia, but is poorer in species. A study of the fauna of small mammal showed that people visited the Istykskaya Cave regularly with varying intensity throughout its existence.

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Factors affecting the urine-marking activity in water voles Arvicola amphibius (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
Nazarova G.G., Proskurnjak L.P., Yuzik E.I.
P. 155-161
Water voles inhabiting Western Siberia in spring, after the snow melts, leave wintering stations and occupy the banks of rivers, ditches, and swamps. During this period, urine-marking behavior can be of great importance for initiating reproduction and maintaining the social relationships in population. We studied the urine marking rates under laboratory conditions in winter and spring months to understand the role of urine signals in the intraspecies communication. We hypothesized that the number of urine scent marks depends on the season of the year, sex, the vaginal cytology in females, and blood testosterone level in males. Urine marking rates were evaluated in an unfamiliar clean cage. The results we obtained have confirmed the hypothesis. In spring, urine-marking activity increases, with males have more urine marks than females. In May, there was a positive correlation between blood testosterone levels, body mass (r = 0.626, p = 0.022), and anogenital distance (r = 0.701, p = 0.008), which reflects the size of testes. A positive relationship was found between the testosterone levels in blood measured in May and the average monthly number of urine marks left by the males (r = 0.577, p = 0.039). In females, at the beginning of the reproductive season, an increase in urine-marking activity was noted in individuals with a high content of keratinized epithelial cells in vaginal smear, i.e., physiologically ready for mating (r = 0.624, p = 0.013). We concluded that increased urine scent marking behavior during the spring month helps to synchronize reproduction.

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Some results of telemetry observations of European elk (Alces alces) (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) movements in the southern taiga subzone in Northwest Russia
Sedikhin N.V., Minaev A.N.
P. 162-177
The paper presents the results of telemetry observations of movements of individuals of the European elk Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758) received in the period from 2021 to 2023. Two males were released into the wild after accidentally entering anthropogenic sites in St. Petersburg. Additionally, one female was released into the wild after a prolonged (about two years) existence in captivity. The individuals were equipped with collars containing GPS/GSM transmitters. The calculated values of the individuals’ movements for one hour, as well as the values of the diurnal path and diurnal displacement, are presented. In 75% of the cases, the observed individuals did not move more than 200 m per hour. The highest median values of the diurnal path and diurnal displacement for the adult male were observed in June (4369 m/1649 m), and the lowest in February (677 m/195 m). For other individuals, due to the short term of monitoring, values were calculated for the entire observation period and were 2015 m and 619 m for the adult female, respectively, and 4297 m and 1431 m for the yearling male. Movements of the adult male indicate seasonal sedentariness and consistent habitat use in summer. We identified 5 spatially distinct habitat periods associated with the seasonal behaviour of the individuals: the readaptation area after release into the natural environment, summer habitat areas, autumn-winter traveling area, winter habitat area and spring migration. Further, we estimated individual home ranges using different methods: the minimum convex polygon, kernel density estimation, local convex hull and concave polygon alpha shape. Minimum convex polygon home range sizes (100% locations) were: for the adult male — 66692 ha in 22 months; for the adult female elk — 33178 ha in one month; for the yearling male — 6978 ha in 3.5 weeks. A brief literature review summarises previously published similar measurements made in Russia, Scandinavia, Canada and the USA. A comparison of the calculated values with the literature shows territorial and sex-age differences in the aspect of elk movement in space, as well as methodological differences in the assessment of habitat characteristics.

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Gastrointestinal nematodes of common fallow deer (Dama dama) in game farms in European Russia
Kuznetsov D.N.
P. 178-186
The species composition of gastrointestinal nematodes found in common fallow deer (Dama dama) from game farms in the territory of European Russia (Tver’ and Smolensk regions) was determined. The nematodes were collected in the period from 2016 to 2022, during necropsies of 30 common fallow deer. Gastrointestinal nematodes were found in 21 of the 30 fallow deer studied, thus, the prevalence was 70.0%. The intensity of infection ranged from 20 to 98 specimens of nematodes. Six species of gastrointestinal nematodes were found: Ashworthius sidemi, Cooperia pectinata, Mazamastrongylus dagestanica, Ostertagia leptospicularis, Spiculopteragia asymmetrica and Trichostrongylus capricola. In addition, “Spiculopteragia quadrispiculata”, a minor morph of S. asymmetrica was also found. Among the six nematode species detected, S. asymmetrica dominated in both intensity of infection and the prevalence. Ostertagia leptospicularis was in the second place in terms of the prevalence, but the intensity of infection with O. leptospicularis was significantly lower compared to S. asymmetrica. Nematodes of four other species were found in single specimens, in 6.7–10.0% of the fallow deer studied, and only in Smolensk region. At the same time, the species M. dagestanica was found in common fallow deer for the first time. The detection of Asian nematode A. sidemi confirms the further spread of this potentially dangerous parasite among ruminants of Europe. The detection of O. leptospicularis also deserves special attention, since this nematode is capable of infecting not only wild ruminants of various species, but also livestock.

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Close and frightening: predator presence affects cortisol levels in captive felines
Volobueva K.A., Naidenko S.V.
P. 187-195
Exhibitions, where animals of various species are kept close to each other, are increasingly used in zoos and live collections. Such co-housing may not be suitable for some species: the presence of a large predator may cause stress to smaller heterospecifics (for example, potential prey) and even when the enclosures have no direct intersections and are merely close together. We evaluated the effects of a potentially dangerous predator on the welfare of typical potential prey/competitors kept in close proximity to this predator. Amur wildcats and caracals were kept one at a time in enclosures next to lynx. Stress level was assessed by analysing the dynamics of glucocorticoids (cortisol’s metabolites) using non-invasive methods. The results showed that the presence of a predator in a neighbouring enclosure with an Amur wildcat did not change their cortisol concentrations significantly. However, hormone levels in animals kept at some distance from the lynx were twice as high as when they were in close proximity to the predator. Unlike Amur wildcats, caracals were more sensitive to the presence of a heterospecific. For Amur wildcats the presence of shelters in enclosures and the absence of direct lynxes’ pursuit may have been sufficient to reduce the negative impact of a large predator.

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The three-dimensional shape changes of the American mink (Carnivora, Neogale) skull under aggressive and tame behaviour selection
Vasil’ev A.G., Vasil’eva I.A., Chibiryak M.V., Trapezov O.V.
P. 196-211
Domestication morphogenetic effects resulting from long-term (16–17 generations) selection based on characters of defensive behavior in the American mink, Neogale vison (Schreber, 1777), were studied. A comparative study of the size and shape variations of the skull among obtained experimental mink strains (aggressive and tame) using 3D geometric morphometrics was carried out. The control was a non-selected minks kept in parallel. Samples of wild American and European minks (Mustela lutreola L., 1759) were used to assess the extent of the changes that occurred. In the presence of pronounced sexual dimorphism in size in all groups, a significant decrease in the skull size of tame minks was revealed. The greatest differences in the skull shape were found between aggressive and tame minks. They are comparable to the differences between cage and wild American minks, exceeding half of the interspecific differences. Tame minks exhibit skull changes in accordance with the domestication syndrome: relative shortening of the facial part, an increase in height in the frontal bone area, narrowing of the between-orbit interspace, reduction of canines. The level of morphogenetic rearrangements of the skull shape between aggressive and tame minks as a result of selection is quite high and comparable to microevolutionary transformations. Selection based on behavioral traits led both tame and aggressive minks to destabilization of skull development, which is consistent with the theory of destabilizing selection by Dmitri Belyaev.

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On the distribution of weasels (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Mustela) in China’s Guangdong Province, with notes on occurrences from Hong Kong
Chan B.P.L., Hui M.K.Y., Li F., Ding Q., Huang Q., Li C.
P. 212-225
Two species of Mustela weasels are known from the southern Chinese province of Guangdong: yellow-bellied weasel M. kathiah and Siberian weasel M. sibirica. While they are conventionally considered widespread throughout Guangdong, both are poorly documented with limited verifiable locality and ecological information. This paper clarifies the distribution and status of these two species in Guangdong, and describes their recent discoveries in adjoining Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mustela kathiah is widespread in a wide altitudinal range throughout Guangdong, with many records from areas below the commonly cited over 1000 m lower altitudinal threshold for the species. Mustela sibirica has a more peculiar distribution pattern, with all historical records near or north of the Tropic of Cancer followed by a recent surge of coastal records since the 2010s, many of which come from urbanised areas. To conclude, M. kathiah is widespread in Guangdong including part of Hong Kong, but the provenance of M. sibirica individuals recently recorded in urbanised areas of Pearl River Delta and eastern Guangdong is debatable, which warrants further investigation.

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Natalia Pogodina, in memoriam
Strukova T.V., Tesakov A.S., Sinitsa M.V., Markova E.A., Serdyuk N.V.
P. 226-229

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