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English version

Postglacial recolonisation of European Russia by the common shrew Sorex araneus
Orlov V.N., Kozlovsky A.I., Okulova N.M., Balakirev A.E.
P. 097-104
The present distribution of common shrew chromosome races indicates that the region covered by the Late Valdai ice sheet was subsequently recolonised by populations from refugia near the glacial front. The similarity of chromosome races from Finland and the Urals can be considered convergent: identical karyotypes have been formed independently on the basis of metacentrics in common and the canalisation of karyotypes. Chromosome races that survived the glaciation in southern refugia (Kiev, Neroosa, Penza and Sok) did not contribute to the postglacial recolonisation of the region vacated by the ice sheet.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.6.1.13


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