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New data on the geographic distribution of chromosome races of Sorex araneus (Soricidae, Eulipotyphla) in European Russia
Bystrakova N.V., Shchipanov N.A., Bulatova N.S., Sheftel B.I., Nadjafova R.S., Pavlova S.V., Demidova T.B., Bobretsov A.V., Aleksandrov D.Yu., Kalinin A.A., Kouptsov A.V., Volkova A.T., Oleinichenko V.Yu., Searle J.B.
P. 105-109
New information is presented on the distributional ranges of the West Dvina, Moscow, Neroosa, Serov, Sok and Yuryuzan chromosome races in European Russia. Our study provides chromosome data on 67 common shrews from 28 localities in various parts of the East European Plain and foothills of the Ural Mountains. No new chromosome races were discovered but our data added substantially to the known geographic range of the Serov race both north- and southwards from the Asian slopes of the Ural Ridge where it was first described. This race also extends into northern Europe far to the west of the Ural Ridge. The known distribution of the Neroosa race has also been considerably extended. These data allow us to predict locations for contact zones between the following pairs of races: West Dvina – Moscow, Moscow – Neroosa, Sok – Serov.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.6.1.14


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