guentheri" group (Rodentia, Arvicolinae, Microtus) from Iran">
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English version

New species of vole of "guentheri" group (Rodentia, Arvicolinae, Microtus) from Iran
Golenishchev F.N., Malikov V.G., Nazari F., Vaziri A.Sh., Sablina O.V., Polyakov A.V.
P. 117-123
According to data on comparative cytogenetics, morphology and hybridization a new species Microtus (Sumeriomys) qazvinensis Golenishchev sp. nov. from Bu’in-Zahra (Qazvin Province, Northern Iran) is described.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.1.2.05


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