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English version

Late Glacial and Holocene micromammals of northeastern Europe
Ponomarev D.V., van Kolfschoten T., van der Plicht J.
P. 121-130
Results of studying micromammalian remains from 15 cave-type localities situated in northeastern Europe are presented. Radiocarbon dating enabled to study the fauna development during six climatic phases: Bшlling-Allerшd, Younger Dryas, Preboreal, Boreal, Subboreal and Subatlantic. Assemblages of Bшlling-Allerшd with predominance of Siberian lemming are followed by communities of the Younger Dryas. These are dominated by xerophilous species: narrow-headed vole in the Subpolar Urals, and collared lemming in the rest of region. A considerable proportion of tundra species remained in communities during the Preboreal. A drastic transformation of micromammalian communities from the tundra-steppe to forest has occurred after 9000 BP, and possibly before 8500 BP. The modern-like fauna was formed during the Subatlantic.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.11.2.02


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