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Larger mammals of Corfu, Ionian Islands, Greece — status and potential threats
Stille M., Gasteratos I., Stille B.
P. 204–214
The occurrence and distribution of ten larger terrestrial mammals on the Ionian Island of Corfu were investigated from January 2020 to March 2021. The northern white-breasted hedgehog and the stone marten were found to be common, and this is probably also the case for the least weasel. The red fox was primarily found in the island’s rocky northeast and although not uncommon it may be under pressure as it is often considered a pest. Wild boars were found to be present, and reproduction may occur, but the status of this species needs further investigation. The Eurasian otter was found in several areas around the island, but the data indicates that the Corfu population contains few individuals that move over large areas. We suggest strengthened protection for this species to avoid further population decline and subsequent extinction. Brown hares of unknown origins are repeatedly released on the island, and in combination with extensive hunting any genetic characteristics of the indigenous population is expected to be lost. No evidence for presence of fallow deer was found, and except for photos of single specimens this was also the case for red deer and golden jackal. All investigated species are potentially threatened by habitat loss, caused by increasing tourism, extensive development, high water out-take and, in some cases, persecution.

DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.20.2.09


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