Discoveries of woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius (Proboscidea: Elephantidae) and some other Pleistocene mammals on the Taimyr Peninsula. Mol D., Tikhonov A.N., Plicht J. van der, Bolshiyanov D.Yu. P. 77-95 We present an overview of the most important discoveries of the woolly mammoth and other Pleistocene mammals from the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Siberia, which have contributed much to the understanding of the mammoth fauna and its environment. We also present 25 new radiometric dates on Pleistocene mammals both terrestrial and marine, of which 14 are of the woolly mammoth, recently collected on the Taimyr Peninsula. 14C measurements can be done using two different methods: AMS, i.e. mass spectrometry using milligram-size samples (lab codes UtC and GrA) and conventional radiometry using gram size samples (lab codes IGAN, GIN, LU). For the first time, remains of the Pleistocene bears from this region are reported. We also discuss interaction between climate, environment and megafauna. Dates appear to be consistent with other local proxy studies indicating whether or not conditions were favorable for herbivores on the Taimyr Peninsula.
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