Archaeozoology of the Holocene multilayered site Ruchei Akimov (NW cis-Baikal Region, Russia) Burova V.V., Nikulina E.D. P. 91-98 Preliminary data on faunal remains from the Holocene site Ruchei Akimov located in the Northern Angara region are presented. Cultural remains were found in three horizons. The goal of this study is to present new data on the archaeozoological collection excavated in 2011–2012. Altogether we recognized 11 taxa: Homo sapiens, Castor fiber, Canis familiaris, Ursus arctos, Martes zibellina, Equus sp., Cervidae gen. indet., Cervus elaphus, Capreolus pygargus, Alces sp., and Rangifer tarandus. This contribution focuses on archaeozoological treatment of the bones, including the measurements for bones identified to species, and description of bones modified by humans. The predominance of red deer and the presence of horse in the Neolithic – early Bronze Age are distinctive features of the site Ruchei Akimov. Bone remains with traces of human activity indicate hunting and fishery practiced in all periods of site use.
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