Содержание: Том 2 (2) 2003 (отпечатан 24 May 2004)
New genus of Cricetodontinae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from the Late Miocene of Kazakhstan. Zazhigin V.S. P. 65-69 The new genus Rhinocerodon gen.n., and three new species R. pauli sp.n., R. seletyensis sp.n., and R. irtyshensis sp. n. are described from the Late Miocene of Kazakhstan. These forms represent a new group of peculiar lophodont hamsters, Rhinocerodontini trib.n.Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Pleistocene hares from the East Siberian Arctic (Lagomorpha: Leporidae). Averianov A.O., Kuznetsova T.V., Nikol’skii P.A. P. 71-76 Isolated fossil hare bones from seven Pleistocene localities in the east Siberian Arctic are attributed to Lepus tanaiticus vereschagini Averianov, 1995 (Mamontovaya Khayata) and to L. tanaiticus subsp. indet. (other localities).Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Discoveries of woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius (Proboscidea: Elephantidae) and some other Pleistocene mammals on the Taimyr Peninsula. Mol D., Tikhonov A.N., Plicht J. van der, Bolshiyanov D.Yu. P. 77-95 We present an overview of the most important discoveries of the woolly mammoth and other Pleistocene mammals from the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Siberia, which have contributed much to the understanding of the mammoth fauna and its environment. We also present 25 new radiometric dates on Pleistocene mammals both terrestrial and marine, of which 14 are of the woolly mammoth, recently collected on the Taimyr Peninsula. 14C measurements can be done using two different methods: AMS, i.e. mass spectrometry using milligram-size samples (lab codes UtC and GrA) and conventional radiometry using gram size samples (lab codes IGAN, GIN, LU). For the first time, remains of the Pleistocene bears from this region are reported. We also discuss interaction between climate, environment and megafauna. Dates appear to be consistent with other local proxy studies indicating whether or not conditions were favorable for herbivores on the Taimyr Peninsula.Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Variation and taxonomic value of some mandibular characters in red-toothed shrews of the genus Sorex L. (Insectivora: Soricidae). Zaitsev M.V., Rzebik-Kowalska B. P. 97-104 The variability of five mandibular characters of the long-tailed shrews of the genus Sorex (the position of mental foramen, the structure of mandibular/postmandibular foramina complex, the structure of condyloid process, the pattern of pigmentation of the first lower incisor i1, and the color of tooth pigment) was examined. It is shown that each of these features is characterized by a specific level of variation. It should take into account in identifying and in the formulation of taxonomic hypotheses. On the basis of the obtained data the assumption of a specific taxonomic position of S. trowbridgii and S. mirabilis in relation to the traditionally recognized subgenera Sorex and Otisorex was made.Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Biology of European flying squirrel Pteromys volans L. (Rodentia: Pteromyidae) in the North-West of Russia. Airapetyants A.E., Fokin I.M. P. 105-113 Biology of European flying squirrel in the North West of Russia is studied. Original data on habitats’ distribution, shelters, nutrition peculiarities, daily activity, reproductive period, juvenile’s development at stages of postnatal ontogenesis, parental behavior, and locomotion peculiarity are given. The species is distributed sporadically at the western border of the natural habitat and has obvious tendency to decrease. The main reason of flying squirrel population decrease is forest final harvest at vast territories. On the initiative of the authors the flying squirrel is included into the Red Data book of the Leningrad Province.Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Budget of daily activity in wood lemming Myopus schisticolor (Lilljeborg, 1884) (Rodentia: Cricetidae). Mironov A.D., Golubeva O.M., Chistova T.Yu., Danilkina L.L. P. 115-123 Daily activity of wood lemming was studied in a manege of 10 m 2 . Seven series of multidaily studies during various natural photoperiods have been conducted. The budget of daily activity of wood lemming in experiments consists mainly of feeding behavior and moving activity. Feeding activity occupies about 10% of the daily budget, and fluctuates during the active phases from 25–90% (day time) to 5–10% (night time). Moving activity occupies 20% of the daily budget. Locomotor activity in the manege is expressed in two ways: movements around the manege and wheel running. The daily rate of running around the manege is about 700 meters. The running differs in diurnal and nocturnal time of day. The running wheels are used only in the nights, when rodents run more than 1000 meters. The specific lemming’s activity in the racing wheel is concerned to be a possible indicator of a predisposition to the seasonal migration.Подробнее Скачать PDF
| Definition of the type material of several nominal taxa of pikas (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from alpina-hyperborea group. Lissovsky A.A., Baranova G.I., Ivanitskaya E.Yu. P. 125-128 The original descriptions of nominal taxa of pikas of alpina-hyperborea group, described by Schrenk (1858) and Sokolov et al. (1994), so as museum collections were studied. The storing places and the collection numbers of the type series of Lagomys hyperboreus normalis Schrenk, 1858, Lagomys hyperboreus cinereoflava Schrenk, 1858 are indicated; the lectotypes of the taxa Lagomys hyperboreus ferruginea Schrenk, 1858, Ochotona hyperborea davanica Sokolov etal., 1994, Ochotona hyperborea stenorostrae Sokolov et al., 1994 and Ochotona hyperborea shamani Sokolov et al., 1994 are fixed. Some localities are defined more accurately.Подробнее Скачать PDF
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