book is published:

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Tiunov M.P., Kruskop S.V., Orlova M.V. 2021. Bats of the Russian Far East and their ectoparasites. Moscow, "Pero". 191 p. [in Russian]
A.S. Speranskaya et al. obtained a complete sequence of a new species of mastadenovirus from the feaces of the common noctule, Nyctalus noctula, from the European part of Russia. The new virus is not similar to the mastadenovirus type B common among European bats; its related lineage has so far been isolated only from vespertilionids of Australia (Speranskaya et al., 2024; Viruses, 16(8); DOI: 10.3390/v16081207).
D.G. Smirnov and A.V. Zabashta examined the features of the winter distribution of the common noctule, Nyctalus noctula, and the factors that determine it. It is proposed to divide the winter range of the noctule into a main zone, where wintering is massive and possible in natural roosts, and a "risk zone", where a small part of the population can winter only thanks to anthropogenic roosts (urban buildings) (Smirnov et al., 2023; Russ. J. Biological Invasions, 2023(3); DOI: 10.35885/1996-1499-16-3-168-183).
S.S. Zhukova et al. obtained the first complete mitochondrial genome of the Indochinese thick-thumb pipistrelle, Glischropus bucephalus. Phylogenetic analysis using complete mitogenomes once again confirms the paraphyly of the genus Pipistrellus in its modern understanding (Zhukova et al., 2023; Diversity, 15(1085); DOI: 10.3390/d15101085)
A.P. Yuzefovich with co-authors published an article about diversity of the Hipposideros larvatus species complex across mainland South-East Asia, analyzed on the basis of molecular (two mitochondrial and seven nuclear markers) and morphometric data. Presence of at least four species-level lineages were shown (Yuzefovich et al., 2022; Zootaxa, 5200(1))
M.P. Tiunov et al. describe a first record of the Anderson's serotine (Eptesicus pachyomus) in the south of Primoriye, adding a new bat species to the Russian fauna (Tiunov et al., 2022; Zoologicheskiy J., 101(12))